Start 31 jan 2023: Filosofiska kvällssamtal om MENING, LIV & LUST!

Date and time
Datum: 2023-01-31
We start at 18:30, and end at 21:00

A warm welcome this autumn to open-minded conversation evenings connected to the timeless and big questions of life, ie existential philosophical conversations about what concerns us most in life. The activity is part of Herresta Ladas to contribute to a more meaningful and richer life together.

Much of what we are a part of in society is strongly influenced from the outside (eg advertising, lifestyle trends, expectations, etc.). It is often about how we should live and what we should do or think. We do not always question the information we encounter or fully understand how we are affected. Turning the question and looking at oneself then becomes increasingly important. What is really important to me, how do I want to live, who am I and what creates meaning and joy for me?

Let us take the help of different philosophical thinkers throughout history to explore the great and classical questions of life together. On eight occasions during the autumn and spring, Tord will introduce one theme per evening from the perspective of different philosophers. Then we have open conversations in various forms to explore what it can mean for our lives today and for myself in my current situation and going forward. And then we think of conversations that are unpretentious, open and curious. The idea is not to argue or debate but to really curiously explore ourselves to find more inspiration and desire for life. Hopefully we also learn more about ourselves and from each other.

No prior knowledge is required and we also want to emphasize that we are politically and religiously independent.

Dates and themes

Från och med 31 januari 2023 kör vi igång och träffas på Herresta Lada en gång i månaden med följande teman under våren;

  • Vad är ett rikt och meningsfullt liv, 31 januari
  • Oro och ovisshet
  • Val och ansvar
  • Relationer och kärlek

Vi planerar därefter en fristående fortsättning med ytterligare fyra tillfällen för intresserade.

Each event starts at 18.30 and lasts until kl. 21.00 (the first opportunity may be slightly extended to introduce the forms of conversation).

Price and registration

The minimum number of participants is 6, the maximum number is 12. You sign up for all four occasions, as we envisage a closed group. The price is SEK 1,500 including VAT per semester (4 occasions) and then also includes coffee with evening snack on each occasion.

Does it sound interesting? Send your application to Or come back if you have questions or concerns, you can also reach Tord Olsson on 070-201 14 30.

About Tord

Tord Olsson at Herresta Lada, who will lead the conversations, has previously studied the course "The existential conversation" at Södertörn University, and has explored the classical philosophers' views on our most common life issues. He has also participated in talks at the Existential Forum with Ann Lagerström & Stefan Lidbrink as supervisors. The philosophical room in radio's P1 is regularly in his headphones. Tord is also an experienced conversation leader and certified coach and this is the second time these conversation evenings are conducted.

Tord & Heléne works to create a meeting place at Herresta Lada where we meet in openness and curiosity, where we touch on the important things in life and where we support and inspire each other to grow and feel good as human beings.