12-13 March 2022: Park course in communication

Date and time
Date: 2022-03-12 - 2022-03-13
We start at 09:30, and end at 17:00

For ordinary couples who want to invest a little extra in their relationship and get a ride - simply wellness for the relationship!

March 12-13, 2022 we are once again holding our popular couple course PREP - Practical Tools for a Committed Couple Relationship. On recent occasions, the course has been fully subscribed. If you want to be sure of getting a place, register now.

What is PREP?
PREP is a course in how to better communicate in a relationship. The course gives you and your partner concrete tools to more easily cope with a life together and also involves personal development. The course is not therapy or crisis management, without review and training of a number of simple methods that can help you as a couple to develop and thrive together. Read more.

You do all the exercises with your partner and do not have to share anything with other participants.

Course main themes:

  • Learn to handle conflicts safely
  • Open the doors for closeness
  • Start with yourself and your own responsibilities
  • Take advantage and develop the positive in the relationship
  • Nurture the security and long-term perspective of the relationship.

PREP is based on over 30 years of relationship research, primarily in the United States (and is religiously and politically independent).

Award: The course costs SEK 2,395 per person. This includes a textbook, vegetarian soup lunch, morning and afternoon coffee both days.

overnight It is possible to stay overnight at Herresta Lada for four couples. Then there is an additional price for an overnight stay with an extra SEK 475 per person in a double room with its own sheets and towel. The price includes breakfast. You can choose to cook dinner yourself in the common, fully equipped kitchen, or you eat at a restaurant in eg Sigtuna (10 km away).

Registration: This course takes place in collaboration with Sensus Studieförbund. Therefore, registration takes place via their website.OBS! You need to register both of you, with contact information for each (ie twice via the form). Sign up here!
If you also want to book accommodation at Herresta Lada Saturday-Sunday, please email directly to helene@herrestalada.com.

Feel free to contact us if you have questions to Heléne, tel 0735-46 56 10, or to Tord, tel 070-201 14 30.

Corona and Herresta Lada - focus on security in everything we do
We do everything to make you feel completely safe here at Herresta Lada and of course follow the new Pandemic Act and the Swedish Public Health Agency's recommendations; You as a couple sit alone with a safety distance to the others. Hand alcohol is always available and we have further strengthened our cleaning and hygiene routines. We also expect you as a participant to do your part. Together we help each other!

A warm welcome with your registration!

Helene & Tord
PREP leaders (also a couple themselves)